COVID-19 Response


Tele-health Sessions  

Tele-health sessions are available for ongoing and new client appointments*

In a commitment to the health and wellbeing of all clients and the wider community at this time we will be doing initial and ongoing therapy sessions via secure video online conferencing programme Thera-link. 

Video conferencing is the first option for all sessions as Thera-link is an effective and easy to use online platform. Phone sessions are possible for individual sessions.


To participate in a Tele-health session you will require

  • A private and confidential space for the duration of the session, in particular you will need to ensure children are not within hearing distance. 

  • Computer or tablet with a camera is preferred and required for couple sessions

  • Headphones for personal use to further ensure confidentiality

Services offered

  • Individual Therapy

  • Couples Therapy

    • All new couples therapy requests will begin with individual sessions to determine the best way to structure sessions with your wellbeing in mind

  • Family Therapy

    • Please contact me if you are interested in family therapy and we can determine what might be possible through online counselling and what support and resources may be available.

  • Supervision

    • Supervision continues to be available via Thera-link or phone

*Please note an assessment process applies to ensure client wellbeing



Telephone Support Services

  • Lifeline 13 11 14

  • Mensline 1300 789 978

  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

  • Parent line NSW 1300 130 052

  • DV line 24 Hour 1800 656 463 (24 hr)

  • Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 (24 hour)

  • ACON 1300 011 511