Family Therapy Sydney


Family Therapy Approach

Families are complex and multi-layered. Relationships in families can change through different life stages - children to teenagers, teenagers to young adults, adults with families of children of their own and as parents get older. Each life stage present different challenges and opportunities for individuals and for the different relationships between individuals in a family.

Increased conflict can occur at various stages, and even with the best of intentions, misunderstandings can occur.

As children develop into teenagers and young adults, families need to adjust to their different needs and growing independence. It is not uncommon for this to be a time of increased conflict and communication difficulties in families as teenagers navigate for more freedoms and parenting demands change. Although it is a time of increasing independence for teenagers, a good relationship with their parents is the most significant predictor of navigating this stage well.



Families with adult children can also navigate challenges and difficulties in relationships.

Families who were close when the children were growing up can be unprepared for the stressors of modern living. Especially in today’s culture where a common experience of blended families and physical distance between family members present more vulnerability to relationship discord.

Having a non judgemental, experienced and qualified counsellor to talk through difficulties can often clarify what is important to each family member and support the family to make changes and maintain close connected relationships.

I work with families experiencing difficulties with adolescents, and with families where everyone is grown up.


Recommended Resources

The Gottman Institute - What To Expect From Family Therapy